
Publications are available for download from my SSRN page.


Giuliani, A., Chapter “1500-1650”,” in A Companion to Western Legal Traditions, eds. R. Van Rhee, A. Masferrer and S. Donlan (Brill 2024) ISBN: 978-90-04-68725-7

Giuliani, A. “What is innovation in legal history? Gino Gorla and the rise of comparative legal history“ in MC Malaguti (ed.), Ricordando Gino Gorla (Rome, 2023) ISBN-13:  9788886449502

Giuliani, A., “Rethinking Emilio Betti, the anti-Gadamer,” in: Rechtsgeschichte – Legal History Rg 30 (2022) 289-91 (book review)

Giuliani, A., After comparative legal history, in: E. Calzolaio (ed.), Liber amicorum Luigi Moccia (Rome 2021) DOI: 10.13134/979-12-5977-003-5

Giuliani, A., The Western Legal Tradition and Soviet Russia. The genesis of H. Berman’s Law and Revolution, in V. Erkkilä and H.-P. Haferkamp (eds.), The Socialist Interpretations of Legal History. The Histories and Historians of Law and Justice in the Socialist Regimes of East Central Europe (Routledge) [2020]

Giuliani, A., “What is comparative legal history? Legal historiography and the revolt against formalism, 1930-60,” in Comparative Legal History, A. Masferrer and O. Morétau (eds.) (Research Handbooks in Comparative Law series, E. Elgar Publishing, London, 2019), pp. 30-77.

Giuliani, A., Bartolo senza Bartolismo, in in Conversazioni Bartoliane, ed. F. Treggiari (2018), pp. 59-86

Giuliani, A., “Jurisdictional complexity in the Ecclesiastical State. A discussion on the diversity of laws in legal education and legal practice,” in D. Heirbaut and S. Donlan (eds.), The Laws’ Many Bodies: Studies in Legal Hybridity and Jurisdictional Complexity, c1600-1900 (Duncker und Humblot, Berlin, 2015)

Giuliani, A. “Civilian treatises on presumptions, 1580-1620,” in R. Helmholz, The Law of Presumptions: Essays in Comparative Legal History (Comparative Studies in Continental & Anglo-American Legal History, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2009), pp. 21-71

Giuliani, A., “Una nota sul bartolismo,”  in F. Treggiari (ed.)  Atti del Convegno su Bartolo da Sassoferrato (2014), pp. 585-600.

Giuliani, A. “From presumption to interpretation,” in F. Treggiari (ed.), Per Saturam. Studi per Severino Caprioli  (2008), pp. 447-74

Giuliani, A. “Tre giuristi perugini cinquecenteschi: Giovan Paolo Lancellotti, Paolo Comitoli, Benincasio Benincasa,” in F. Treggiari (ed.), Giuristi dell’Università di Perugia, (2009), pp. 217-39

Giuliani, A., “Aprire le porte del diritto. Il lascito intellettuale di Alessandro Giuliani (1925-1997),” in: Quaderni per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno, 95 (2012), pp. 165-184

Giuliani, A., “L’altro Aristotele,” in Sociologia, 3 (2010), pp. 125-33

Giuliani, A., ‘Jacopo Menochio, De praesumptionibus, 1587’, in: A. Wijffels, S. Dauchy et al. (eds.), The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Culture. 150 Books that Made the Law in the Age of Printing (Springer, Berlin, 2016), pp. 132-6.

Giuliani, A., ‘D. Covarrubias y Leyva, Variarum Resolutionum ex jure pontificio regio et caesareo, 1552’, in: A. Wijffels, S. Dauchy et al. (eds.), The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Culture. 150 Books that Made the Law in the Age of Printing (Springer, Berlin, 2016), pp. 88-91.

Entries: ‘Rinaldo Ridolfi’, ‘Marcantonio Eugeni’, ‘Guglielmo Pontano’ in E. Cortese, I. Birocchi et al. (eds.), Dizionario Biografico dei Giuristi Italiani (2013)

Giuliani, A., Review of A. Fiori, Il giuramento di innocenza nel processo canonico medievale. Storia e disciplina della purgatio canonica (Frankfurt 2013), XIX, 646 S., Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilung, 100 (2014), pp. 690-693 (book review)

English translation (with Caterina Fitzgerald) of A. Padoa Schioppa, A History of Law in Europe, for Cambridge University Press (2017, 820 pp.)

Peer-reviews: Cambridge University Press, Brill Publishers, Journal of Comparative Legal History, Glossae

Participation to Research projects

Western Legal Traditions (series Ius Commune Casebooks, Brill), project directors D. Heirbaut and R. Van Rhee: I am responsible of the chapter ‘1500-1650’. Other contributors: J.L. Halperin, J. Vanderlinden, D. Heirbaut, O. Morétau and others (project completed)

Jurisdictional complexity in Western legal history, c1600-1900 (Duncker und Humblot, Berlin, funded by Gerda Henkel Stitftung), project directors: S. Donlan and Dirk Heirbaut. Other contributors: Alain Wijffels, D Heirbaut, Sean Donlan, J. Vanderlinden, B Durand, A. Musson (project completed)

Comparative Legal History (Research Handbooks in Comparative Law series, E. Elgar Publishing, London), project directors: A. Masferrer and O. Moretau. Other contributors: James Gordley, David Ibbestson, J.L. Halperin, J. Vanderlinden, D. Heirbaut, S. Donlan (project completed)

The law of presumptions (Duncker und Humblot, Berlin, funded by Gerda Henkel Stitftung), project director Knut W. Nörr. Other contributors Richard Helmholz, Barbara Shapiro, Remco V. Rhee (project completed)